We have an investigator Estelle. She is so amazing and such a miracle. She had a book of mormon at her house and started reading from it before we even started teaching her. She is the next door neighbor of one of our other investigators, Sister Betty, who has been meeting with the missionaries for a long time. Estelle is 14 and she is so excited about the gospel, loves reading from the book of mormon and coming to church. And she is a great example to Sister Betty. Haha I think Sister Betty doesn't want to get showed up because she came to church again this week for the first time since I've been here. Estelle really is a miracle. She is so sweet. This week at church she kept running up and hugging me telling me she was so grateful she met me and that she can come to church. It was adorable. I love her so much! And she is going to be baptized at the end of the month! I'm so excited for her :)
Heavenly Father is so good. He loves us so much and he knows our needs and concerns He is perfect! He knows exactly what we need to feel better. I'm so grateful for him and all he does for me. But my favorite part of my mission has been seeing what he does for other people. I love seeing how when people turn to God and rely on Him how much He will bless them. Something else I have learned recently is if you are struggling or feeling down. Ask God for help then look for someone else to serve. When you are in the service of others that is when you are the happiest! I'm so insanely happy right now and I love that I get the opportunity to give my whole self to the service of the people here in Suriname. It's so worthy every sacrifice! Doing the Lord's work is the best and will always make you feel better. I'm so grateful for my time as a missionary. I love it with my whole heart!
Thank you so much for all the love and support! I will talk to you next week. And remember to serve and love those around you :) Have a good week!
Love, Zuster C