Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year :)
Haha what a week! Definetly one I will never forget! It all started when me and Zuster king got into a taxi... that wasn't really a Taxi. After driving down some sketchy side roads and in the opposite direction of where we wanted to be. We ended up at an old warehouse but Heavenly Father blessed us and a Bus drove by at just the right moment so that we could hop out of the car, get on the bus and make it safely to the city.
Then that night Zuster King's head was super itchy so I started looking through her hair to see what was the matter. Well it turns out that she had lice. So I then spent the next 3 hours picking through her hair and combed out a bunch of lice eggs... The next morning we turned our apartment upside down cleaning everything to get rid of the lice. Well our apartment doesn't have hot water and you have to wash everything in hot water to remove the lice so we had to boil water on the stove. Then fill up our washing machine for every single load. That took forever...
Well then our washing machine broke after we had only washed less then half of our clothes. So we had to bike our clothes over to a members house and wash there. Well there washing machine was broken too, so then our Zone Leaders came and picked up our clothes in their truck and are washing everything for us. But hey I never got lice and we caught it fast enough before Zuster King had it too bad. So thank you Heavenly Father, it could have been a lot worse.
Well then the next day my arm was itching really bad and it looked kinda weird. There was a big, round thing on it. It didn't look normal. So I called the mission doctor and it turns out that I have Ring Worm... Awesome :) Haha but she told me how to treat it and it's already getting better!
Then we were at the church for a metting with the Elders and the Branch President and after the meeting we got to get on our bikes to ride home. Well we couldn't find Zuster King's bike anywhere... it got stolen. We had even set our bikes inside of the church so they would be safe and some one still stole it. So one of the Elders let her borrow it so we could get home.
This week was one I will never forget. Crazy thing after crazy thing happened and there was a couple times I kinda just wanted to cry because it was really hard. Even though this week was crazy and in the hard moments all I wanted was for it to be over. Looking back there was so much good. We made cookies for all our investigators, less activies and members and we went by and sang christmas songs to them. It was so sweet to see how this little bit of service was able to make them so happy. One of our investigators cried because she was so happy that we thought of her on Christmas.
Yes this week was insane and really hard but so good. I am so happy that I was able to be a missionary at Christmas time, it's the best! Yeah it was different being away from my family and my own traditions. But it was so wonderful at the same time! I was able to really feel christ's love as I served the people around me. And that really is the true spirit of christmas. To love and serve everyone, just like Jesus did. So even if you are having a hard time, and all you want is to cry and feel sorry for yourself. Take one minute to be sad, then get up and go serve some one. I promise it will make everything better!
Well I love you all so much, thanks for all the letters and emails. I hope you had a Merry Christmas. Till next week :)
Met Liefde,
Zuster Christiansen